Press Release: Driving Community Connection and Economic Development Through Storytelling

Press Release: Driving Community Connection and Economic Development Through Storytelling

I might be biased, but I believe a good story can pretty much solve any problem, and communities are no exception. Communities are rich with history, tradition, and diversity. Storytelling can lead to more vibrant communities

Recently, memoryKPR launched a storytelling pilot that is open to members of Saskatchewan's Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA).

memoryKPR Community Storytelling Pilot

The pilot is aimed at not only providing the communities with the technology to help communities integrate storytelling more easily, it is also supplemented with thought leaders and experts in the space of storytelling for the greater good of the community. The pilot has received the support of Innovation Saskatchewan and SUMA, to help us reach many communities and have a lasting impact on the province of Saskatchewan, a land of many stories and humble storytellers. 

Our speakers series is inspiring, drawing from local experts like Andrew Hiltz, the Saskwanderer, and Annie Charles, Executive Director Indigenous Destination Saskatchewan, but we are also drawing inspiration from renowned international speakers like Doug Griffiths, Author of 13 Ways, film experts like John Paget First + Main Film owner and producer, and the New York Times Best Seller Seth Godin

The knowledge being shared is exceptional, and all because we had a story to tell. I reached out, in many cases as a stranger, with a compelling story about our company, memoryKPR, trying to do things better, and also trying to have an impact in my Province. 

The real magic didn’t start with the speakers, although their agreeing to participate was an excellent validation that it was a good idea; the magic started when the communities started talking, and sharing ideas about uses. 

We have everything from: 

  • Town mural projects
  • Storytelling about history, culture, heritage spots
  • Raising Capital to build a playground through a story page
  • Museum walking tours
  • Tribute stories for special citizens
  • Town history books

And so much more. Demonstrating the power of a good story starts with the vision of a good storyteller. Since launching the pilot, my knowledge and love for this province have deepened immensely. We are just getting started with the pilot, but if you follow us on our social channels to see how it develops. We’d love to have you along for the journey. 

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Press Release


memoryKPR Launches Pilot Program to Enhance Community Storytelling and Economic Growth in Partnership with Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities

Regina, SK, June 14, 2024 — memoryKPR, a leading provider of storytelling and digital content management solutions, is excited to announce the launch of a pilot program in collaboration with the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA). This initiative, supported by a grant from Innovation Saskatchewan through the Made in Saskatchewan Technology (MIST) program, aims to empower 48 communities across Saskatchewan with the tools and training necessary to develop their storytelling capabilities to help connect communities and drive economic growth. The pilot just launched and is already over fifty percent full, but some spots are still available.

Connecting Communities Through Storytelling 

In an era of vital digital engagement, memoryKPR’s innovative platform offers communities a seamless way to preserve and share their unique histories and narratives and engage tourists and visitors in their communities' unique stories. By participating in this pilot, communities will receive comprehensive software solutions and training designed to enhance their storytelling skills, fostering a deeper sense of connection and identity. Hearing from speakers like Andrew Hiltz, the SaskWanderer; Doug Griffith, author of 13 Ways and Community Economic Development thought leader; Annie Charles, Executive Director of Indigenous Destination Saskatchewan; and other experts set these communities up for success.

Driving Economic Benefits

This initiative is not just about preserving the past; it's about leveraging digital content to drive future economic growth. By enhancing their storytelling competency, communities can attract tourists, promote local businesses, and create new opportunities for economic development. This project aligns with our vision of using digital solutions to create tangible economic benefits for Saskatchewan’s communities and tourism groups.

Innovative Support from Innovation Saskatchewan

The MIST grant awarded to memoryKPR by Innovation Saskatchewan underscores the province's commitment to fostering homegrown technological solutions. This funding enables memoryKPR to extend its cutting-edge digital content management solutions to communities that need them the most, supporting their journey toward digital transformation.

Join the Movement

We are thrilled to report that several communities have already joined the program, and limited spots are still available. We encourage interested communities to seize this opportunity to enhance their digital storytelling capabilities and contribute to Saskatchewan's economic vitality. Reach out to memoryKPR directly to have your community considered for this opportunity. “We have villages as small as 150 people, as well as some of our most vibrant bigger cities involved,” McNaughton states about who this is most suitable for.

Tourism Moose Jaw Executive Director , and Pilot Participant Jacki L'Heureux Mason talks about their motivation to join the movement. “We are so excited to bring our city’s rich and diverse history to life, by diving deeper into storytelling. This will be another awesome tool in the toolbox we can use to help create an unforgettable experience in Canada’s Most Notorious City!”

A Vision for a Stronger Saskatchewan

“At memoryKPR, we believe in the power of stories to bring people together,” said Jessica McNaughton, CEO at memoryKPR. “This pilot program is a testament to our commitment to helping communities harness the power of their narratives to build stronger connections and drive economic growth. We are grateful for the support from Innovation Saskatchewan and excited to see the positive impact this initiative will have on our fabulous province, which is so rich in stories.”

About memoryKPR 

memoryKPR is a leading provider of digital content management solutions dedicated to helping individuals, families, and communities preserve and share their stories. Our innovative platform offers a user-friendly way to curate and manage digital content, ensuring that memories are not only preserved but also celebrated and shared.

For more information about the pilot program or to apply for participation, please contact:

Jessica McNaughton
Chief Executive Officer

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