Cree North Adventures: Tourism is an Opportunity to Relearn Culture

Cree North Adventures: Tourism is an Opportunity to Relearn Culture

Located on the banks of Meadow River in the Flying Dust First Nation you will find a unique adventure that encourages, sustains, and enhances the traditional Cree way of life.

Cree North Adventures offers opportunities to re-connect yourself with the land, and its programs are aimed to highlight Cree culture and its teachings. Throughout the adventure, you can expect to learn how to set up a tipi, discover traditional food, camp out under the stars, and so much more!

Getting started 

In 2010, Blaine Mirasty, while in his undergrad at the University of Saskatchewan, started working as a tour guide at Wanuskewin. Mirasty had the opportunity to interact with a variety of customers and teach people about First Nations culture and programs.  

In 2019, Flying Dust First Nation hosted the Tony Cote First Nation Summer Games, which led to an influx of people arriving in the community. Using his knowledge and experience gained from working in the tourism industry, Mirasty decided to put a tipi on AirBnB. Listing the tipi on AirBnb was just the starting point - Mirasty later officially registered as “Cree North Adventures’ and turned the location into a beautifully landscaped area. 

Tourism as a Means of Cultural Rediscovery

Mirasty says his work and the space he has created is important because tourism is an opportunity to relearn culture. Mirasty himself has learned new things about the Cree culture he did not grow up learning, including things like hide tanning. Cree North Adventures is also a cornerstone for sustainable development and serves as a model for other communities of the opportunities that are available to create and design unique spaces that tell stories and share culture. 

Cultivating connection to the land and the culture 

Cree North Adventures offer a variety of packages for those who are interested during their stay, including land based education, and corporate and business day events. Mirasty will design a personalized agenda for each booking, which includes traditional Cree activities like canoeing, kayaking, hiking, horse wagon rides, the sharing of elder stories, campfire cooking, learning about Cree history, and so much more. 

A member of the Original Original

Cree North Adventures is a member of the Original Original, which is a mark of excellence that assures visitors of a quality tourism experience. It is displayed by businesses that offer experiences services that are truly authentic and that have been accredited by the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada.

Mirasty says that being a member of the Original Original gives Cree North Adventures authenticity and credibility, in addition to getting brand recognition. He also says that there have been instances where businesses who are not indigenous owned have tried to promote themselves as authentic, and Original Original has helped to weed those businesses out. The Original Original has allowed Cree North Adventures to gain greater exposure and be a part of a network of other like-minded businesses, too. 

A Spectacular View of the Northern Lights

In addition to the beautiful landscape and serenity of being just on the edge of the Boreal Forest, Cree North Adventures offers an amazing view of the Northern Lights (see picture below)

Source: Cree North Adventures

Enhancing Hospitality Experiences with memoryKPR

In the world of hospitality, where every experience and interaction matters, memoryKPR offers a revolutionary way for businesses like Cree North Adventures to elevate their guest experience.

Personalized Guest Engagement

memoryKPR's platform allows for personalization at every touchpoint. Imagine guests receiving a digital narrative of their stay, complete with photos, videos, and notes about the culture and traditions they experienced.

Marketing and Brand Storytelling

For hospitality businesses, the story doesn't end with the guest's departure. memoryKPR's platform can be integrated into post-stay marketing strategies. A business can use these digital memories to showcase authentic guest experiences on social media and other marketing channels, telling a compelling brand story that resonates with potential visitors.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

Guests can also contribute to the story. By uploading their own photos and notes to the memoryKPR platform, they become co-creators of the Cree North Adventures narrative. This user-generated content is invaluable, providing authentic testimonials and diverse perspectives that attract new customers.

With memoryKPR, you can transform every guest's stay into a digitally preserved journey, enriching their experience and bolstering the brand's presence in the hospitality industry.

Book a demo today to see how you can leverage memoryKPR for your business!